How To Stop Clothes Smelling Musty In Wardrobe? Best Tips And Info

how to stop clothes smelling musty in wardrobe

Wardrobes serve as an essential storage space for our clothes but often harbour a musty smell that infiltrates our garments. This unpleasant scent can be off-putting and challenging to eliminate. So, how to stop clothes smelling musty in wardrobe?

This article will explore the root causes of this ubiquitous problem and present practical and effective strategies to prevent your clothes from smelling musty. Read on to discover how to maintain a fresh and fragrant wardrobe, ensuring your clothes always smell as good as they look.

What Causes Clothes To Smell Musty In Wardrobe?

If you’ve noticed a musty smell coming from your wardrobe, it could be due to one of several factors. These include:

Mold and Mildew Growth 

Mould and mildew are both fungi that thrive in moist, warm environments. If the air inside your wardrobe is not circulating, moisture can accumulate on clothing, leading to mould or mildew.

Lack of Ventilation

Poor ventilation in the wardrobe causes clothing to smell musty. When air cannot circulate freely, it results in a damp, stale environment. This is especially true for wardrobes crammed with clothes, leaving no room for air movement. 

Over time, this stagnant environment creates a musty odour in your clothes. It’s recommended to air out your wardrobe to prevent this issue regularly.

Humidity and Dampness

High levels of humidity or dampness in your wardrobe can cause mildew or mould growth, leading to a musty smell. This is often the case in wardrobes located in damp areas or during high-humidity seasons. 

Dehumidifiers or silica gel packets can help maintain dryness inside your wardrobe, keeping your clothes fresh and free of musty smells.

how to stop clothes smelling musty in wardrobe

Infrequent Washing or Wearing

Clothes not worn or washed regularly can also develop a musty smell. Natural fibres like cotton, linen, or wool can absorb and hold onto odours. If these clothes are placed back in the wardrobe without proper cleaning, they can transfer the smell to other garments. 

Regular washing and wearing of clothes can help eliminate these odours and keep your wardrobe smelling fresh.

Sweat, Perfume, and Cigarette Smoke

Sweat, perfume, and cigarette smoke contain molecules that can attach to the fabric. If left in the wardrobe for a long time without airing out or washing, these odours will become musty as they accumulate on your clothes. 

Regularly washing your garments can help remove these smells from the clothing and also help to prevent further accumulation. 

How to Stop Clothes Smelling Musty in Wardrobe?

When clothes are stored in a stuffy wardrobe for an extended period, they can smell musty. This is due to bacteria and mould growing on the fabric if it hasn’t been regularly aired or cleaned. 

To keep clothes smelling fresh and prevent them from becoming musty, you can do a few things. 

Regular Cleaning

One of the primary reasons for a musty smell in your wardrobe is the buildup of moisture, dust, and dirt. Conducting a thorough cleaning of your wardrobe every couple of months can go a long way in keeping it smelling fresh. 

Empty the wardrobe, wipe the interior with warm water and mild detergent, and leave the doors open until completely dry. You can use a solution of vinegar and warm water for stubborn odours. 

how to stop clothes smelling musty in wardrobe

Good Ventilation

Proper ventilation is key to preventing musty odours in your wardrobe. Try to position your wardrobe in a spot that has good air circulation. If your wardrobe is against a wall, pull it forward to allow air to circulate it. Avoid packing clothes too tightly to allow air to circulate between the garments when storing clothes. 

Use of Absorbents

Absorbents can be highly effective in eliminating musty odours. You can use commercially available moisture absorbers or natural alternatives like baking soda, activated charcoal, or silica gel. 

Place these absorbents inside your wardrobe, which will soak the moisture and neutralize the odours. Remember to replace them regularly for the best results.

Proper Clothes Storage

Ensure clothes are properly cleaned and completely dry before storing them in the wardrobe. Damp or dirty clothes can breed mildew and cause your entire wardrobe to smell musty. 

For clothes worn once and not dirty enough for a wash, air them out before returning them to the wardrobe. Regularly rotating your clothes also helps in maintaining a fresh wardrobe.

How to Wash and Dry Clothes Properly to Avoid Mustiness

Nothing beats the feeling of wearing fresh and clean clothes for most people. But how do you make sure that your clothes remain must-free and stay smelling good? It all starts with properly washing and drying your garments. 

Choosing the Right Detergent

Choosing the right detergent is critical in preventing clothes from becoming musty. Some detergents are better at fighting odours; some even contain fabric softeners and stain removers. 

Look for detergents labelled as “odour eliminating” or “for sportswear.” Don’t overload the washing machine, as clothes need room to move around in the water for proper cleaning.

how to stop clothes smelling musty in wardrobe

Washing Instructions

Always follow the washing instructions on the garment’s tag. The general rule is to wash similar colours together and to use cold water for dark colours to prevent bleeding. 

For cotton clothes, use warm water and a gentle cycle. Use hot water for heavily soiled clothes and items like towels and bedding. Regularly clean your washing machine to prevent the buildup of detergent or fabric softener, which can contribute to mustiness.

Drying Clothes Properly

Proper drying is as crucial as washing in keeping your clothes fresh and free from musty smells. Never leave wet clothes in the washing machine for long, as it can quickly lead to a damp, musty smell. 

Always shake out your clothes before putting them in the dryer to help them dry faster and prevent wrinkling. Clean the lint filter in the dryer after each load to ensure proper airflow and quicker drying times.

Storing Clothes Correctly

Store your clothes correctly to avoid mustiness. Make sure they are completely dry before putting them away. Stored clothes should have room to breathe, so avoid over-stuffing drawers and closets. 

For long-term storage, consider using vacuum-sealed bags to protect clothes from humidity and pests. A well-ventilated and clean storage area also helps in preventing mustiness.

How to Make Natural Air Fresheners for Your Wardrobe

Clothes in your wardrobe can sometimes develop an unpleasant, musty odour, especially in humid conditions or when left unused for long periods. However, with a few simple ingredients and steps, you can create natural air fresheners that not only banish the mustiness but also leave your wardrobe smelling fresh and delightful. 

Start by gathering your materials. You will need essential oils, baking soda, distilled water, and a small jar with a perforated lid. Essential oils not only provide pleasant scents, but many also have antibacterial and antifungal properties, which can help keep your clothes odour-free. 

how to stop clothes smelling musty in wardrobe

Lavender, lemon, tea tree, or eucalyptus oils are great options. The baking soda is a natural deodorizer, absorbing unpleasant smells, while the distilled water dilutes the essential oils safely.

Step 1: Add 1/2 cup of baking soda to your jar. Next, add 15-20 drops of your chosen essential oil. If you prefer a stronger scent, you can add more but remember that these oils are potent, so a little goes a long way. 

Step 2: Once the oil is added, pour enough distilled water to fill the jar, leaving a small space at the top. Screw on the lid, then shake the jar gently to mix the ingredients. 

Step 3: Place the jar inside your wardrobe, ensuring it is secure and upright to prevent leakage. You can also make a few more jars and place them strategically in different parts of your wardrobe to ensure even scent distribution. 

Remember to shake the jar once in a while to refresh the scent. With this simple DIY project, your wardrobe will not only smell great, but you can rest easy knowing you’re using a safe, natural alternative to commercial air fresheners.

How to Store Clothes in Vacuum Bags or Containers

If you want to declutter your closet and don’t know where to start, vacuum bags or containers are a great solution. Not only do they save space, but they also help protect clothes from dust and moisture damage. Here’s how to get started: 

Step 1: Choose the Right Vacuum Bag or Container 

When selecting a vacuum bag or container, you’ll want to ensure that it is large enough for the clothing you plan on storing. Additionally, if the bags or containers aren’t airtight, moisture can still permeate them and damage your clothes. 

Make sure to choose something with an airtight seal so that moisture doesn’t have a chance to enter. 

how to stop clothes smelling musty in wardrobe

Step 2: Clean and Dry Your Clothes Before Storing 

Before storing your clothes in vacuum bags or containers, it’s important to ensure they are clean and dry. This will help prevent mould from growing while the clothes are stored away. If you choose to launder your clothes before storing them, dry them completely to avoid any excess moisture. 

Step 3: Pack the Vacuum Bags or Containers 

When you’re ready to start packing, begin laying out your items and separating them into groups. This will make it easier to stack and organize them within the bag or container. 

Be sure not to overpack the bag or container, which could cause unnecessary wrinkles. After everything is in place, seal the vacuum bag or container tightly and store it away. 

Step 4: Make Sure to Inspect Your Vacuum Bags or Containers Regularly 

Even if you take the necessary steps to ensure your clothing is protected, inspecting your vacuum bags or containers periodically is still a good idea. This will help you identify any potential issues before they become a problem. 

If you notice any signs of moisture, mould, or other damage, take the necessary steps to address the issue as soon as possible. 

Following these simple steps, you can easily store your clothes in vacuum bags or containers and keep them looking their best for years. Not only will this help you maximize space in your closet, but it will also help protect your clothes from dust, moisture, and other damage.

How To Get Rid Of Stubborn Odors On Clothes?

When it comes to eliminating stubborn odours from clothes, some people swear by certain methods that might work for them. Others may be more sceptical and turn to tried-and-true cleaning or deodorizing products.

how to stop clothes smelling musty in wardrobe

Here are a few tips on how to get rid of stubborn odours on clothes:

Use of Vinegar

Vinegar is a natural deodorizer that can effectively combat persistent smells. Add a cup of distilled white vinegar into your washing machine during the rinse cycle. 

The acidic properties of vinegar will dissolve odour-causing residue from fabrics, leaving your clothes fresh and clean. Don’t worry about the vinegar smell; it disappears once your clothes are dry.

Baking Soda Treatment

Baking soda is another miracle worker when it comes to eliminating stubborn odours. Before washing, soak your clothes in 1 tablespoon baking soda and water for at least an hour. Baking soda absorbs unpleasant odours and breaks down stubborn stains due to its alkaline nature. As a bonus, it also brightens the colour of your clothes.

Sunlight Exposure

Sunlight is a natural bleaching and deodorizing agent. After washing, hang your clothes out to dry in the sun. Sunlight will help evaporate any remaining odours and kill bacteria that might contribute to the smell. Be careful with coloured clothes, however, as excessive sunlight can cause colour fading.

Best Fabric for T-Shirts to Prevent Musty Odors in the Future 

If you’re looking to create a comfortable and stylish t-shirt, consider using the best fabric to prevent musty odours in the future. While many fabrics can be used for t-shirts, some materials are better than others when reducing or eliminating musty odour.


Cotton is a natural fibre that is breathable, absorbent, and has a soft touch, which makes it a popular choice for t-shirts. It’s ideal for hot and humid conditions as the material allows for adequate ventilation, reducing the chances of odour-causing bacteria growth. 

However, pure cotton t-shirts may retain moisture if you sweat heavily, leading to musty odours over time. To mitigate this, consider options like organic cotton or cotton blends, which provide the comfort of cotton but with improved moisture management.

how to stop clothes smelling musty in wardrobe

Synthetic Fabrics 

Synthetic fabrics such as polyester, nylon, and rayon are engineered to wick sweat away from the body, keeping you dry and preventing the growth of bacteria that lead to musty smells. 

These materials are also durable and easy to care for. However, they may not feel as natural or comfortable against the skin as cotton, and some people may experience skin sensitivity or allergies to these materials. If you opt for synthetic fabrics, look for those treated with antimicrobial technology for extra odour control. 

Blended Fabrics 

Blended fabrics combine the advantages of natural and synthetic fibres. A common blend is cotton and polyester, which balances comfort, breathability, and moisture-wicking properties. 

These fabrics are less likely to develop musty odours, as the synthetic component helps to evaporate sweat quickly, while the natural component inhibits bacterial growth. When choosing blended fabrics, consider the natural-to-synthetic fibre ratio to ensure they meet your personal comfort and performance needs.


How To Use Baking Soda And Vinegar To Deodorize Clothes?

To deodorize clothes using baking soda and vinegar, follow the steps below:

  • Step 1: Start with dry, clean clothes. If your clothes are damp or dirty, wash them normally first.
  • Step 2: Mix 1 cup of white vinegar and 2 tablespoons of baking soda. It’s important to note that the mixture will fizz up, so use a large enough container to avoid a spill.
  • Step 3: Soak the offending garment in this mixture for about 20-30 minutes. This will help to neutralize any strong odours.
  • Step 4: After soaking, don’t rinse the clothes. Instead, place them directly into the washing machine. Add your regular detergent and wash as directed on the clothing’s care label.
  • Step 5: Before drying the clothes, perform a sniff test. If the odours persist, repeat the process. Once the odour is gone, dry the clothes as you normally would.
how to stop clothes smelling musty in wardrobe

This method is a fantastic, eco-friendly solution for deodorizing clothes. The vinegar and baking soda neutralize odours, leaving your clothes smelling fresh and clean. However, test this method on a small, hidden part of the garment first to ensure it doesn’t discolour the fabric.

How Often Should You Clean And Organize Your Wardrobe?

It’s recommended to clean and organize your wardrobe at least once every season or every three months. This practice ensures you keep your clothing in good condition, find items easily, and use your wardrobe space effectively.

During this cleaning process, remove all items from your wardrobe and clean the interior with a damp cloth to remove any dust or dirt. This is also an excellent time to inspect your wardrobe for repairs.

When organizing your clothes, sort them according to type and frequency of use. Items that you wear often should be placed within easy reach. Seasonal clothes can be stored at the back or on higher shelves until needed.

Remember to also go through your clothing items during each cleaning session. Discard or donate any items you haven’t worn in a year or more that no longer fit. This will help to declutter your wardrobe and make room for new items.

A well-maintained and organized wardrobe can save you time each day and prolong the lifespan of your clothing. As with any task, the more regularly you clean and organize, the less daunting the task will be. Regular maintenance will also help you keep track of what you own and what you might need to purchase in the future.

how to stop clothes smelling musty in wardrobe

How To Use Cedar, Lavender, Or Other Aromatic Herbs In Wardrobe?

Utilizing aromatic herbs like cedar and lavender can be an excellent way to keep your wardrobe fresh and pest-free. Here’s a simple guide on how to use them:

  • Step 1: Choose Your Herbs: Cedar and lavender are popular because of their pleasant scent and moth-repellent properties. Other options can include eucalyptus, rosemary, or peppermint.
  • Step 2: Prepare the Herbs: These can be bought as essential oils or in their natural forms. If you’re using natural herbs, make sure they’re dried thoroughly to prevent mould growth.
  • Step 3: Placement: For essential oils, sprinkle a few drops on cotton balls and place them in the corners of your wardrobe. You can tie natural herbs in small fabric pouches and hang them in your closet or put them in your drawers. Ensure they aren’t in direct contact with your clothes to avoid staining.
  • Step 4: Regular Maintenance: Natural herbs will lose their scent over time, so replace them every few months. If you’re using essential oils, you may need to add more drops to the cotton balls periodically.

Remember, while these aromatic herbs can help keep your wardrobe smelling fresh, they’re not a substitute for regular cleaning. Always ensure your clothes are clean before storing them, and try to air out your wardrobe regularly for the best results.

Do Natural Aromatic Herbs Make Musty Smell In A Wardrobe Become Worse?

On the contrary, natural aromatic herbs can help alleviate musty smells in your wardrobe. 

These herbs, such as lavender, rosemary, or mint, have potent natural fragrances that mask unpleasant odours. Moreover, many of these herbs have inherent antimicrobial properties that can deter the growth of mould and mildew, which are often the culprits for musty smells. 

However, it’s important to ensure the herbs are completely dry before placing them in your wardrobe to prevent any potential moisture-related issues. It is also good to periodically replace the herbs to maintain their aromatic effect. 

Using natural aromatic herbs is an eco-friendly choice and a safe and effective way to keep your wardrobe smelling fresh.


How to stop clothes smelling musty in wardrobe? Incorporating these tips into your routine can ensure that your wardrobe maintains a fresh and pleasant scent. Regular cleaning, proper air circulation, and using natural odour absorbers such as baking soda can make a difference. 

Clothes should also be thoroughly dry before being put away to prevent mould growth. By being mindful of these tips, you can say goodbye to musty smells and hello to clothes that smell fresh and clean every day.

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